O. I. Dmitriev, A. M. Kasumov, V. M. Karavaeva, K. O. Vyshnevska, L. I. Fiyalka, K. A. Korotkov, A. I. Ievtushenko «Magnetic Properties of 3d-Metal-Based Nanofilm-Structures’ Interfaces» 0231–0238 (2021)
S. V. Kniaz, O. J. Kotsiumbas, I. S. Kuz’, O. M. Bordun, O. I. Moroz, O. N. Kuz’, D. S. Leonov «Thermodynamic Description of Interface Interaction in Nanolayers on the Metal Fe–Dielectric Al\(_2\)O\(_3\) Boundary» 0239–0246 (2021)
V. M. Boychuk, M. A. Hodlevskà, L. V. Mokhnatska, V. O. Kotsyubynsky, A. I. Kachmar «The Effect of the pH on the Nucleation of Iron-Containing Phases: Analysis Based on Partial Charge Theory and Mossbauer Studies» 0247–0262 (2021)
L. A. Frolova, T. Ye. Butyrina «Investigation of the Process of Coprecipitation of Double Fe–Co Hydroxides» 0263–0272 (2021)
Yu. Prikhozha, R. Balabai «The Comparison of Intercalation of Na and Li Atoms in Nanostructured SnS\(_2\) Anode of Battery: ab initio Calculation» 0273–0280 (2021)
I. F. Myronyuk, V. O. Kotsyubynsky, V. L. Chelyadyn, V. M. Boychuk, M. A. Hodlevskyi «Template Synthesis, Structure, Morphology and Electrochemical Properties of Mesoporous Titania» 0281–0286 (2021)
E. I. Get’man, Yu. A. Oleksii, S. V. Radio «Predicting the Stability of the Solid-Solution Sc\(_{1-x}\)Ln\(_x\)AsO\(_4\) and Tb\(_x\)Ln\(_{1-x}\)AsO\(_4\) Orthoarsenates» 0287–0296 (2021)
Mokhtar Halimi, Dahane Kadri, Abdelmalek Mokeddem «Pre- and Post-Irradiation Annealing for TLD 600 and 700 Dosimeters; Comparison of the Properties of TL Glow Peaks 5 and 5a» 0297–0313 (2021)
B. B. Kolupaev, B. S. Kolupaev, V. V. Klepko, V. V. Levchuk, Yu. R. Maksymtsev, V. O. Sidletskyi «Mathematical Modelling of the Behaviour of Metal-Nanodisperse PVC Systems at High Frequencies of Deformation» 0315–0326 (2021)
Ahmed Hashim, Alaa J. Kadham, Aseel Hadi, Majeed Ali Habeeb «Determination of Optical Parameters of Polymer Blend/Nanoceramics for Electronics Applications» 0327–0336 (2021)
Abhigyan Ganguly, Siddhartha S. Nath, Viranjay M. Srivastava «Comparative Analysis of ZnO Quantum Dots Synthesized on PVA and PVP Capping Matrix» 0337–0345 (2021)
Maithem Hussein Rasheed1, Ahmed Hashim, Farhan Lafta Rashid «Structural and Optical Properties of PVP/PAA/MnO\(_2\) Nanofluid for Solar Collectors’ Systems» 0347–0352 (2021)
Ahmed Hashim, Alaa J. Kadham Algidsawi, Hind Ahmed, Aseel Hadi, Majeed Ali Habeeb «Synthesis of PVA/PVP/SnO\(_2\) Nanocomposites: Structural, Optical, and Dielectric Characteristics for Pressure Sensors» 0353–0362 (2021)
Deepti R. Kulkarni Narasimha H. Ayachit, Raviraj M. Kulkarni Suresh D. Kulkarni «Optoelectronic Properties of Alumina–Tin Oxide Nanocomposites Deposited on 1D Carbon Backbone» 0363–0373 (2021)
H. S. Kornyushchenko, S. T. Shevchenko, V. V. Natalich, V. I. Perekrestov «Physical-Technological Preconditions for the Formation and Structural-Morphological Characteristics of C/Zn and C/Ni Composites with a Carbon Turbostratic Component» 0375–0389 (2021)
N. A. Doniyarov I. A. Tagaev Ì. N. Ìuratova L. S. Àndriyko «New Organic-Mineral Fertilizer Based on Low-Grade Phosphorites and Microflora of Activated Sludge» 0391–0405 (2021)
Naheda Humood, Ahmed Hashim, Auda J. Braihi, Farhan Lafta Rashid, Mahmmod Shakir Hashim «Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Cement Mortar/(PVP–CMC–Y\(_2\)O\(_3\)) Nanocomposites for Antifungal and Antibacterial Agents» 0407–0412 (2021)
N. Tiron-Vorobiova, O. Ivanov, A. Danylyan, A. Zhmud «Key Aspects of the Nanotechnological Approach in the Design and Technical Solution of the Ballast Water Management System Based on the Danube Institute of the National University ‘Odesa Maritime Academy’» 0413–0432 (2021)
M. D. Kucheruk, D. A. Zasiekin, R. O. Dymko «Comprehensive Determination of the Toxicity of Disinfectant Developed on the Base of the Composition of the Nanosolution of Silver and Lactic Acid» 0433–0443 (2021)
P. M. Skljarov, S. J. Fedorenko, S. V. Naumenko, O. V. Onyshchenko, M. M. Ivanchenko, V. K. Klochkov, S. L. Yefimova, V. G. Prudnikov, Yu. V. Malyukin «The Use of Nanobiomaterials in Veterinary Reproductology» 0445–0473 (2021)
D. M. Nozdrenko, Wang Nan, O. P. Motuziuk, O. V. Vygovska, K. I. Bogutska, N. E. Nurishchenko, Yu. I. Prylutskyy «Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Contraction of Chronic Alcoholic Rats under the Action of Water-Soluble Ñ\(_{60}\) Fullerene» 0475–0485 (2021)