



vol. 21 / 

Issue 2


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F. M. Bukhanko
Two Types of Topological Kosterlitz–Thouless Phase Transitions in SmMnO3+δ Manganites, Driven by External Magnetic Field
0233–0246 (2023)

PACS numbers: 71.10.Pm, 74.10.+v, 74.81.Bd, 75.30.Et, 75.30.Kz, 75.47.Gk, 75.47.Lx

It is shown that, in a SmMnO3+δ sample cooled in a magnetic field H = 0 to 4.2 K, the topological order–disorder phase transition of the spin system occurs within the framework of the Kosterlitz–Thouless XY-model decoupling of pairs of the flat 2D vortices. At the same time, when the sample is cooled in the field H ≠ 0, the transition of the system of spins to a disordered state with increasing temperature occurs in the form of dissociation of pairs of bounded Z2 vortices at the same critical temperature TKT = 12 K, which is accompanied by a giant jump in the supermagnetization of the sample. The excitation and decay of low-energy bosons in a 1D metallic Luttinger liquid at temperatures of 0.5 K and 4.2 K during sample remagnetization in the ZFC and FC measurement modes is also studied.

Key words: Kosterlitz–Thouless phase transition, Luttinger liquid, bosons, topological superconductors.

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