



vol. 17 / 

Issue 1


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F. M. Bukhanko and A. F. Bukhanko
«Evolution of the Magnetization Peak–Hill Features in \(La_{0.15}Sm_{0.85}MnO_{3+\delta}\) Near to Transition Temperature to the Superconducting State, \(T_C\approx41K\), Caused by Increasing of an External Magnetic Field»
081–100 (2019)

PACS numbers: 71.10.Pm, 71.70.Ej, 74.20.Mn, 75.30.Fv, 75.30.Kz, 75.47.Lx, 75.50.-y, 75.60.Ej

In this paper, the peak–hill-features of the temperature dependences of magnetization M(T) of \(La_{0.15}Sm_{0.85}MnO_{3+\delta}\) manganites, measured in fields of H = 7, 100, 350, 1050, and 3500 Oe in ZFC-measurements’ mode in the temperature interval \(4.2 \leq T \leq 100K\), are investigated. As assumed, the two sharp peaks of M(T) with different intensities detected in a weak field of H = 100 Oe at near temperatures, T1 and T2, which are slightly higher than the critical temperature, \(Òñ \approx 41^{\circ}\) K, of the phase transition to the superconducting state, correspond to the Lindhard divergence of the temperature dependence of the electron magnetic susceptibility \({\chi}L(q_{nest})\) at wave-vectors’ magnitudes, \(q_{nest1}=2k_{F1}\) and \(q_{nest2}=2k_{F2}\), in two spatially separated areas of the sample (conditionally ‘metallic’ and ‘dielectric’ nanophases) with the large and small densities of free-carriers’ states at the Fermi level, \(N_1(E_F){\ll}N_2(E_F)\). The appearance of such areas can be explained by the formation of the spatial modulation of the electronic and magnetic properties in the form of the charge/spin density waves’ fragments with wave vectors q1||a and q2||b in the ab plane at temperature \(T{\lt}60^{\circ}\) K, which are incommensurate with the crystal lattice. This leads to phase separation of the sample to quasi-one-dimensional ‘metallic’ FM and ‘dielectric’ AFM nanophases coexisting in a dynamic mode as the nanoscale quasi-one-dimensional ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin correlations. Experimental results obtained in this work confirm the close relation between the formation of the periodic charge/spin correlations in the form of two-dimensional nanocells in the ab plane and the emergence of high-temperature superconductivity.

Keywords: quantum spin liquid, high-temperature superconductivity, nesting of Fermi surface, charge (spin) density waves, 2D nanocells

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