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М. В. Маніло, І. А. Ар’єв, Г. С. Литвинов
«Загальні закономірності та особливості утворення
біонанокомпозитів ароматичних амінокислот
з багатошаровими вуглецевими нанорурками
643–654 (2013)
PACS numbers: 61.48.De, 68.43.Mn, 81.16.Fg, 82.39.Pj, 87.15.N-, 87.85.Qr, 87.85.Rs
Influences of exposure, concentration, pH, and structure of aromatic amino acids on adsorption of them by multiwalled carbon nanotubes are investigated and analysed. Fundamental quantity characteristics of the amino acid interaction with the carbon nanotubes (such as rate constant, adsorption degree, Gibbs free energies, attachment-pad areas per molecule are obtained. Based on the experimental data, kinetic curves and isotherms of immobilization are plotted. As found for the studied amino acids, there is a unique bell-like maximum of adsorption near 6.0 pH, but the detailed parameters of the immobilization kinetics, isotherms, molecules’ quantity, and an area per adsorbed molecule are individual for each amino acid.