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А. С. Кравцова, О. О. Коров’янко, І. Б. Стратійчук, В. І. Буркут
«Одержання гібридних нанокристалів з використанням наномагнетиту та наночастинок Ag у водних розчинах »
635–642 (2013)
PACS numbers: 78.67.Bf, 81.16.-c, 81.20.Fw, 82.70.Dd, 82.70.Gg
A given paper presents a method for synthesis of hybrid nanosystems based on silver nanoparticles and magnetite. The influence of reductants on both the formation and the forming rate of silver nanoparticles, the effect of gelatine nature on their morphology, stability of solutions in time, and intensity of the plasmon resonance are investigated. Alternative methods of argentum salts recovering by such alkaloids as gallic acid and pyrocatechin aldehyde are proposed. The possibility of fabrication of the stable colloid solutions of heterostructures based on the iron oxide and plasmon metal (Fe3O4–Ag) nanocrystals is shown.