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В. Л. Демченко
«Структура та властивості потрійних поліелектроліт–металічних комплексів, підданих дії постійного магнітного поля»
595–604 (2013)
PACS numbers: 66.30.Pa, 68.55.-a, 73.61.At, 81.15.Cd, 81.15.Jj, 81.40.Rs, 85.40.-e
The effect of a constant magnetic field (B???0.1 T) on the structural organization, thermomechanical and electrical properties of triple polyelectrolyte–metal complex obtained from polyelectrolyte complexes with equimolar ratio of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte (pectin and polyethyleneimine) and transition metal ions, Cu2+, Ni2+, or Co2+, is studied. As revealed, the intermolecular space of all polymer–metal systems is filled with metal–polymer complexes. Under the effect of a constant magnetic field, the Bragg distance between the layers of macromolecules coordinated by Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions is increased, and in the case of Co2+ cations, it is decreased. As shown, in the initial polyelectrolyte complex and polymer–metal systems with Cu2+ and Ni2+ subjected to a constant magnetic field, the structural glass-transition temperature decreases, whereas in the case of Co2+, it increases. All polymer–metal systems subjected to a constant magnetic field are characterized by conductivity increased by 1–1.5 order of magnitude.