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Н. В. Бондарь, М. С. Бродин, Ю. В. Ермолаева
«Образование связности (перколяции) экситонов в плотных и разреженных массивах квантовых точек в матрицах разной топологии »
579–594 (2013)
PACS numbers: 64.60.ah, 71.35.-y, 73.20.Mf, 73.21.La, 73.22.Lp, 78.55.Et, 78.67.Hc
In the first part, a given reports provides an explanation of some differences between the geometrical and quantum percolations of the charge carriers or excitons in dense and diluted ensembles of quantum dots, which were synthesized within the 3D-matrix or over the spherical surface. Differences in experimental methods of registration of the percolation threshold of excitons within the 3D-matrixes with the metal or semiconductor contaminations are shown. In the second part, results are shown, which confirm that, for structures with the ZnO or CdS quantum dots grown at the spherical surface of SiO2, there are two critical concentrations or two percolation thresholds. Such phenomenon is similar to another one, which has been observed in the ionic conductors containing the dielectric-phase inclusions. Based on obtained results, the explanation of nature of this phenomenon is provided.