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Т. П. Владімірова, В. М. Пилипів, Б. К. Остафійчук*, Є. М. Кисловський, В. Б. Молодкін, С. Й. Оліховський, О. С. Скакунова, О. В. Решетник, С. В. Лізунова
«Динамічна дифрактометрія структурних дефектів у монокристалі ґранату Nd3Ga5O12 »
505–521 (2011)

PACS numbers: 07.85.Jy, 61.05.cp, 61.72.Dd, 61.72.jd, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.Nn, 61.72.Qq

Fourier components of polarizability of the perfect neodymium–gallium garnet (NGG) Nd3Ga5O12 crystal are calculated for a set of reflections and two characteristic x-ray wavelengths. The dependences of the generalized diffraction parameters of real NGG single crystals on concentrations of antisite defects and vacancies are determined. The characteristics of microdefects in the investigated NGG single crystal are determined by analysing the measured reflection curves with using the formu-las of the statistical dynamical theory of diffraction in im-perfect crystals.

©2003—2021 NANOSISTEMI, NANOMATERIALI, NANOTEHNOLOGII G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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