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А. В. Савчук, С. А. Кочетова, Н. И. Буряк, В. В. Малышев, С. В. Волков
«Применение низкотемпературных ион-органических расплавов на основе карбамида и ацетамида для исследования электрохимических свойств родия.»
953–961 (2010)
PACS numbers: 78.30.Jv, 81.16.Be, 81.16.Nd, 82.45.Hk, 82.45.Yz, 82.80.Fk, 82.80.Jk
The electrochemical behaviour of rhodium at low-temperature carbamide-chloride and acetamide-chloride melts is investi-gated. The composition and structure of rhodium complex ions formed after anodic dissolution is studied. After electrochemical reduction of electroactive complexes, the layer of rhodium is formed; the thickness of layer is about 3–6 microns; the size of particles is about 10–20 nm.