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Е. А. Лисенков, Ю. П. Гомза, В. В. Клепко, Ю. А. Куницький*, Л. Ю. Куницька**
«Вплив природи мінеральних нанонаповнювачів на структуру та властивості нанокомпозитів на основі поліетиленгліколю.»
675–689 (2010)

PACS numbers: 61.05.cf, 62.23.Pq, 64.75.Va, 72.22.-d, 77.84.Lf, 81.70.Pg, 82.35.Np

The structure and properties of nanocomposites based on poly-ethyleneglycol and silicate nanofillers of different nature are studied using x-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and impedance spectroscopy. As shown, the struc-ture and properties of nanocomposites based on polyethylene-glycol substantially depend on nature and content of nano-filler.

©2003—2021 NANOSISTEMI, NANOMATERIALI, NANOTEHNOLOGII G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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