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«Influence of Surface on Internal Structure and Dynamical Properties of Domain Wall in Thin Films of Ferroelectrics »
305–338 (2010)
PACS numbers: 73.61.Ng, 77.22.Ej, 77.55.+f, 77.80.Dj, 77.84.Dy, 77.90.+k, 85.50.-n
The impact of depolarization field caused by ferroelectric (FE) film surface on polarization vector behaviour in domain wall (DW) is studied. As revealed, the action of this field on FE lattice results in appearance of DW polarization-vector component normal to the DW plane, which is maximal in a vicinity of film surface. As shown, the inclusion of this substructure nanoformation of DW increases effective mass of DW and causes a shift of frequency of its free vibrations. As revealed, the electroconductivity of FE film decreases both additional polarization of DW and corresponding shift of DW free-vibrations frequency. The surface impact on DW internal structure is the most significant during characteristic time, which is determined for nanosized BaTiO3 films.