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P. E. Trofimenko, M. V. Naida, O. V. Khomenko, and S. P. Latin
Methods of Investigation of the Phase-Contact Surface Created by Drops of the Sprayed Liquid
0391–0402 (2023)
PACS numbers: 47.20.Ib, 47.61.-k, 62.25.-g, 68.08.-p, 68.15.+e, 81.20.Rg, 83.80.Hj
The main purpose of dispersing devices is to convert a continuous flow of liquid into a dispersed system consisting of drops of liquid. There are two ways to convert fluid jets into thin films: hydrostatic (on an inclined plate) and centrifugal (on the film-forming—blade). The process of spraying or dispersing is generally as follows. From the film-forming element (plate or blade), the liquid in the form of a thin flat film moves at a certain relative speed into the gaseous medium, interacting with which the film is destroyed, turns into a stream of drops (spray torch). Many groups of scientists and a number of institutes have been engaged in the study of the spray heat and mass transfer. It makes sense to consider the size of the drops rationally seek to achieve in industrial technology, when using the heat and mass transfer contact devices of the spray type. In other words, what size of droplets should give technical, energy and other advantages for the best use of the effect of the rate of change of the contact surface of the phases? The main disadvantages of fine spraying are: problems of obtaining the minimum sizes (due to big turns of centrifugal sprayers or big pressure and low productivity of nozzle sprayers); high energy consumption; large loss of drops (fighting it is the task, which is even more difficult than getting small drops); large evaporation (i.e., the smaller the diameter of the droplets, the faster they evaporate). The latter can be a useful effect, but sometimes, it is completely unacceptable for many technological processes. Advantages of bulk spraying are quite simple equipment for such spraying, small loss of drops, energy consumption many times less than with traditional methods of spraying liquids (nozzle, centrifugal, etc.).
Key words: film, immersion fluid, film former, local thickness, centrifugal sprayer, drop.
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