



vol. 20 / 

Issue 2


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Ahmed Hashim and Zinah Sattar Hamad
Novel (Organic Phase-Change Materials–Ceramics) Nanocomposites for Solar Energy Storage and Release
0507–0516 (2022)

PACS numbers: 47.61.Ne, 78.20.Ci, 78.67.Sc, 81.05.Zx, 81.30.Fb, 82.35.Np

In this paper, preparation of novel organic phase-change materials–ceramics nanofluids with high efficiency for thermal-energy storage and release is carried out, namely, the (PVA–PAA–NbC–H2O) nanofluids’ and (PVA–PAA–NbC) nanocomposites’ films are fabricated. The structural and dielectric properties of (PVA–PAA–NbC) nanocomposites are studied. The results show that the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of nanocomposites decrease with increase in frequency, while the electrical conductivity increases with increase in frequency. The dielectric constant, dielectric loss and electrical conductivity of (PVA–PAA) blend increase with increase in NbC nanoparticles’ concentration. The results of thermal-energy storage and release for (PVA–PAA–NbC–H2O) nanofluids show that the melting and solidification times decrease with increase in NbC nanoparticles’ concentration.

Key words: nanofluids, phase changes, ceramics, nanocomposites, conductivity.

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