



vol. 20 / 

Issue 2


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O. Sachuk, V. Zazhigalov, S. Shcherbakov, K. Wieczorek-Ciurowa, and I. Bacherikov
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Nanodispersed Compositions on the Base of Zn, Ce and Mo Oxides
0359–0384 (2022)

PACS numbers: 68.37.Hk, 68.37.Lp, 78.67.Qa, 81.16.Pr, 81.20.Wk, 82.33.Pt, 82.65.+r

The mechanochemical treatment (MChT) influence on the physicochemical properties (XRD, DTA, SEM, TEM, etc.) of molybdenum oxide and binary systems based on zinc, cerium and molybdenum oxides with equimolecular ratio of reagents is studied. The change of phase composition, crystal structure, electronic and catalytic properties of the MoO3, ZnO/CeO2, ZnÎ/ÌîÎ3 and ÑåÎ2/ÌîÎ3 mixtures as a result of mechanical milling is determined. As shown, the mechanochemical treatment of ZnO/MoO3 system leads to the formation of nanodimensional MoO3·0.5H2O with subsequent formation of ZnMoO4 phase with monoclinic modification as nanorods. The formation of nanosize particles of initial oxides and ones of ‘core–shell’-type structure with a layer of amorphous molybdenum oxide on a core of nanocrystalline cerium oxide is observed in CeO2/MoO3 system during the mechanochemical process. As shown, the MoO3-containing systems after the mechanochemical activation of them demonstrate high activity and selectivity to acetaldehade in process of ethanol oxidation (at 205°C with a maximum yield of 94–96% for this product). The high photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation of the activated Zn–Ce–O samples in organic dye (safranin-T) degradation process in water solution is also observed. Obtained results demonstrate an increase of rate constant from 0.01·10-4 up to 3.7·10-4 s-1 as a result of treatment and show the promising their use in environmental protection processes.

Key words: mechanochemical treatment, oxide mixture, zinc molybdate, nanorods, ethanol, acetic aldehyde, photocatalyst.

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