



vol. 20 / 

Issue 1


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Ahmed Hashim and Zinah Sattar Hamad
Fabrication and Properties of Film Nanocomposites (PVA–PAA)1-x/TiNx for Energy Storage and Release Application
0165–0176 (2022)

PACS numbers: 77.22.Gm, 77.22.Jp, 77.84.Lf, 81.07.Pr, 81.16.-c, 82.35.Np, 84.60.Ve

Nanocomposites are actually promising materials in many modern industrial or medical applications, which are attributed to their good properties such as light weight, high flexibility, resistance to oxidation, cheap price, good electrical, optical, and mechanical properties. In this paper, fabrication of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)–polyacrylic acid (PAA)–titanium nitride (TiN) nanocomposites with low weight, low cost, high corrosion resistance and high efficiency for thermal energy storage and release is investigated. The structural and dielectric properties of (PVA–PAA–TiN) nanocomposites are studied. The experimental results show that the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of (PVA–PAA–TiN) nanocomposites decrease with increase in frequency, while the electrical conductivity increases as frequency increases. The dielectric parameters of polymer blend increase with increase in TiN-nanoparticles’ concentration. The results of solar energy storage and release show the decrease in melting and solidification times as the TiN-nanoparticles’ concentration increases.

Key words: titanium nitride, nanocomposites, dielectric properties, conductivity, solar energy.

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