



vol. 20 / 

Issue 1


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P. E. Trofimenko, M. V. Naida, A. V. Khomenko, and A. M. Litsman
Method and Device for Experimental Determination of Film Formation Parameters on Static Film-Forming Materials
0081–0090 (2022)

PACS numbers: 47.20.Ib, 47.61.-k, 62.20.Qp, 62.25.-g, 68.08.-p, 68.15.+e

Methods and devices for the experimental determination of the parameters of film formation on the static film-forming materials are considered. Namely, the schematic diagrams of experimental installations (stands) for checking and refining some parameters of formation of thin films. Stand No. 1 is intended for investigation of local liquid-flow rates and longitudinal components of film velocities (velocities along the liquid flow). Stand No. 2 is for studying the thickness of film, starting from a few nanometres, and the nature of formation and movement of film surface along the film-forming material. The main parameters of film formation on static film-forming agents include spreading width of film, film thickness, liquid viscosity, surface tension, liquid density. The electrical contact method is used to measure the film thickness. The viscosity of the working fluid is measured with standard capillary viscometers. The surface tension coefficient is also checked by measuring the height of liquid rise in a capillary of known diameter. This method requires a rather thorough preparation of the capillary and gives a large scatter (error) of the measured value. The density of the investigated liquids is measured by a set of standard hydrometers. The high efficiency of film sprayers strongly depends on the listed parameters of film. The experiments used distilled and industrial water, soda solutions of various concentrations, solutions of glycerine, chalk pulp and titanium dioxide suspensions. Surfactants are added to change the surface tension. The liquid flowed out onto various substrates: stainless steel, ordinary steel, aluminium alloys, textolite, fluoroplastic, vinyl plastic, and plexiglass. Experimental studies have a slight error in comparison with theoretical indicators. The results of these studies can be used for industrial design of liquid sprayers, which find their application in many industries (for heat and mass transfer between liquid droplets and gas phase in spray drying, absorption, interfacial reactions, cooling of liquids, gas conditioning and other similar processes).

Key words: liquid-film parameters, experimental stand, film formation, surface tension, viscosity.

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