



vol. 20 / 

Issue 1


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M. Yu. Barabash, O. I. Khovavko, Ye. M. Boboshko, D. O. Hrynko, M. A. Zabolotnyi, A. A. Kolesnichenko, D. S. Leonov, R. V. Lytvyn, S. O. Rudenkyi, and A. Yu. Sezonenko
Formation of Periodic Nanostructures and Mechanism of Formation of Geometrical Relief on the Surface of Layers of Amorphous Molecular Semiconductors
0057–0079 (2022)

PACS numbers: 07.79.Lh, 42.50.Wk, 47.61.Fg, 61.43.Fs, 61.82.Rx, 73.50.-h, 78.66.-w

The self-organization of island sediment on the film surface based on amorphous molecular semiconductors (AMS) with a potential relief of about 108 V/m, which leads to the formation of a topology that coincides with the topology of the exposing light field, is considered. The effect is realized in the template method of fabrication of two-dimensional dielectric and metal–dielectric structures. The formation of the geometric relief of the template on a thermoplastic substrate is analysed. The deformation of free surface of the layer of the template heated to viscous-flow state under the action of tangential forces is described; the topological features of the trajectory of the deformed-medium particles are established. As shown, in many relief recording systems, the relief of force field, which is applied to the deformed layer, is transformed into the geometric relief of its surface. This process can occur at a constant temperature as well as at a temperature varying according to some law. In the theoretical study of the isothermal process, the analysis can be performed by analytical methods, and, in the case of experimental study, it is facilitated by determining the influence on the magnitude of the geometric relief of the deformed-layer surface parameters.

Key words: self-organization, periodic structure, geometric relief, metal–dielectric structures, template, relief record, glass-transition temperature, viscosity.

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