



vol. 19 / 

Issue 3


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I. I. Bondar, V. V. Suran, O. Y. Minya, O. K. Shuaibov, V. M. Krasylynets, A. M. Solomon
«Preparation of Films with Ordered Structure During Laser-Stimulated Evaporation of Water Solution of Copper Sulphate »
0537–0546 (2021)

PACS numbers: 79.20.Ds, 79.20.Eb, 81.07.Bc, 81.15.Fg, 81.16.Mk, 81.16.Rf

The methodology, technique and results of investigation of structurization of a glass surface at laser-stimulated evaporation of water solutions of copper vitriol from a surface of a glass substrate in air of atmospheric pressure are presented. We used laser radiation with a wavelength of \(\lambda\)=1.06 \(\mu\)m. The duration of the laser pulses was 40 ns; their frequency was f = 1 Hz. The studies used two drops of one percent water solution of copper sulphate, which were almost identical in volume and size. In the experiment, one of these drops was irradiated with laser radiation, and the other one remained as a control one. The power density of laser radiation on the surface of the investigated drop of solution was \(\approx\) 1.8\(\cdot10^{10}\) W/m\(^2\). The duration of laser irradiation of the investigated drop was equal to the duration of complete drying of the control drop and was 210 minutes. In this case, from both drops on the surface of the glass, films were formed and they differ significantly from each other. The control film is homogeneous and has no structure. Moreover, the film, which is obtained under the action of laser radiation, is highly structured. The structure of this film contains both ordered and unordered elements. The typical dimensions of these elements were of about 0.1–2 \(\mu\)m. Studies of the transmission spectra of the obtained films in the visible region of the spectrum (400–800 nm) showed that the transmission of the control film depends on the wavelength of light; it is significantly reduced in the transition to light waves with large wavelengths. The transmission of film formed under the action of laser radiation is approximately 2–3 times less than the transmission of the control film, but it is almost independent on the wavelength of the radiation. The results of our investigation indicate the fundamental possibility of obtaining relatively transparent films with ordered structures by irradiation with a powerful nanosecond laser radiation of aqueous solutions of salts of transition metals.

Keywords: yttrium–aluminium garnet laser radiation, water solution of copper sulphate, laser-stimulated evaporation, films, microphotographs, ordered structure, transmission spectra


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