



vol. 19 / 

Issue 1


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O. V. Andreev, Yu. E. Grabovsky, M. A. Zabolotnyy, L. I. Aslamova, N. M. Bilyavina, A. L. Maystrenko, V. G. Kulich
«Diffractometric Studies of Products of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide»
0121–0132 (2021)

PACS numbers: 61.05.cp, 61.72.Qq, 62.23.Kn, 62.25.Mn,, 81.05.Je, 81.40.Np

The work is concerned with the determination of physical regularities of interrelation between the mechanical-strength parameters at dynamic loadings of products of reactively bound silicon carbide (BSC) and its structural-polytypic characteristics. For the fabrication of samples, it is used a charge with a content of SiC of 85–95% in the presence of impurities of silicon and carbon. The studies are performed using the DRON-3M diffractometer and correlation analysis. As found, the SiC 6H polytype is base in the fabrication of armour elements with BSC. The presence of residual Si (C-graphite) phases in the presence of SiC 6H (SiC 6H and SiC 4H) causes high values of sample density. As established, the size of the region of coherent x-ray scattering at a fixed value of the sample density depends on the nature of the crystal-lattice polytype, is in the range of 400–700 A, and increases with increasing sample density. As shown, high values of density and small values of internal microstresses of samples with BSC are achieved at small degrees of texturing of the sample.

Keywords: silicon carbide, x-ray coherent reflection region, crystal-lattice polytypes, microstresses, correlation analysis

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