



vol. 19 / 

Issue 1


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A. R. Sadygova, I. I. Abbasov, E. S. Safiev, A. A. Hadiyeva, Kh. O. Sadig, V. A. Alekperov
«Molecular Processes in Electric Destruction of Nanocomposites Polyethylene + Nanoclay After Exposure to Electric Discharge and Orientation»
0103–0110 (2021)

PACS numbers: 77.22Gm, 78.30.Jw, 81.05.Qk, 81.07.Pr, 82.33.Xj, 82.35.Np, 83.80.Tc

It is studied the effect of electric discharge and orientation on the electric lifetime (τ) and dielectric strength (E) of the polyethylene (PE) + nanoclay (NC) nanocomposites. Changes in the structure of materials under the influence of external factors are determined by infrared spectrometry and compared with their electrical properties. After electric ageing, the rate of formation of carbonyl groups (C=O) in nanocomposites is comparatively lower than in PE. In destructive processes, NC is much more active than in stabilizing processes.

Keywords: nanocomposite, dielectric strength, lifetime, orientation, carbonyl group

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