



vol. 19 / 

Issue 1


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T. S. Skoblo, O. V. Nanka, Yu. M. Kuskov, O. V. Saychuk, V. M. Romanchenko, S. P. Romanyuk, I. M. Ryibalko, O. V. Markov, Yu. V. Samsonov, T. V. Maltsev
«A New Way of Getting the Charge with Diamond Fraction»
0023–0033 (2021)

PACS numbers: 61.46.Hk, 68.37.-d, 75.50.Tt, 81.05.uj, 81.07.Bc, 81.70.Jb, 82.33.Vx

A method for producing the secondary charge with nano- and dispersed diamond fractions by the detonation method for the modifying and hardening of metal, which is effective in restorative hard facing of parts by hardening coatings, welding of defects, increasing the operational resistance of mating parts by adding them to grease is developed. The proposed method is based on the getting of the charge from the disposal of ammunition special set with reusable detonation, which ensures stable obtaining of diamond fraction and modifying additives. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of the charge components, which are divided into magnetic and non-magnetic ones, are done. The optimal proportion of the modifying additives for the use of them, when entering into the liquid bath during hard facing, is determined.

Keywords: nano- and dispersed diamonds, detonation, ammunition, disposal, composition of the charge

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