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M. Yu. Barabash, I. Yu. Trosnikova, D. S. Leonov, R. V. Litvin, Ya. V. Bashynskyi, A. A. Kolesnichenko
«Formation of Ordered Nanostructures of Target Geometry Using Photo-Induced Volume Charge»
0013–0022 (2021)
PACS numbers: 07.79.Fc, 42.70.Gi, 42.70.Jk, 68.37.Ps, 78.20.Jq, 78.66.Jg, 81.16.Rf
The goal of the present work is to optimize the composition of amorphous molecular semiconductor (AMS) films based on poly(N-vinylcarbazole), to upgrade the process of registration of light fields, and to reveal the role of volume charges in the formation of ordered nanostructures, using reversible templates. It is found that, when gold condenses on the AMS surface, the surface relief increases, and the distribution and symmetry of localized gold clusters are determined by the electric field pattern on the AMS surface. The role of the absorption parameter and the composite substrate is determined, basing on the study of the absorption parameters of the composite with photo-induced charge. The optimal conditions of the composite application for the study of the spectral characteristics of the investigated structures are determined.
Keywords: template, films, photo-induced volume charge, metal–dielectric composites, nanocomposites, nanoclusters, near-field interaction
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