



vol. 18 / 

Issue 3


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Yu. V. Danylovych, H. V. Danylovych, O. A. Yesypenko, V. I. Kal’chenko, S. O. Kosterin
«Chalcone Calix[4]arenas Are Supramolecular Compounds, Which Modulate the Electron-Transport Chain of Smooth Muscle Mitochondria»
459–464 (2020)

PACS numbers: 81.16.Fg, 82.39.-k, 87.14.-g, 87.15.R-, 87.16.Tb, 87.16.Uv, 87.19.Ff

Chalcone calix[4]arenes C-138, C-137, C-1023, and C-1011 at a concentration of 10 \(\mu\)M inhibit the oxidation of NADH and FADH2 in the electron-transport chain of isolated uterine smooth-muscle mitochondria, depending on the amount of chalcone substitutes. Calix[4]arenes C-1023 and C-1011, having 3 and 4 substituents, respectively, enhance the generation of reactive oxygen species in the mitochondria. The inhibition of the NADH and FADH2 oxidation in the mitochondria reflects the possibility of modulating their energy and, consequently, the functioning of Ca\(^{2+}\)-transport systems.

Keywords: chalcone calix[4]arenes, mitochondria, reactive oxygen species, electron-transport chain, smooth muscle
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