



vol. 16 / 

Issue 1


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T. R. Gilmanshina, S. I. Lytkina, S. A. Khudonogov, G. A. Koroleva, V. A. Borisyuk, D. Yu. Kritskiy, and V. N. Amel’chenko
«Development of the State-of-the-Art Technologies for Improvement of Quality of Cryptocrystalline Graphite»
083–101 (2018)

PACS numbers: 68.37.Hk, 68.37.Lp, 71.20.Tx, 81.05.uf, 81.20.Hy, 81.70.Pg, 82.30.Hk

This article analyses the various technological options for the chemical activation of the Kureika-coalfield cryptocrystalline graphite. As shown, the sulfuric and nitric acids can be used as activator. The most efficient activation estimated by the change of the elemental and phase compositions, activation energies, interlayer distance, etc., is achieved by activation of graphite with a mixture of sulfuric acid with an oxidizing agent. In this case, in the composition of the graphite after the chemical activation, the content of iron, magnesium and calcium is greatly reduced, and the sulphur content is increased in 1.3–1.5 times. The study of phase composition shows that the composition of chemically activated graphite consists of quartz, calcium oxide, ferric sulphate, and a complex compound of carbon, hydrogen, and sulphur. Compounds of pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and iron sulphite are not observed. The main fraction of the natural and chemically activated graphite size is from 10–50 microns (the average size of natural graphite GLS-2 is 14.8 µm, and chemically activated graphite of GLS-2O brand is 12.3 µm). The activation energy of the oxidation of graphite according to the Arrhenius equation (according to differential-thermal analysis data) for the natural graphite is of 42.51 kJ/mole, and for the chemically activated graphite is of 48.8 kJ/mole. The chemical activation does not change the crystal-system type, but due to the introduction of sulphur compounds into the layers of graphite, there is a slight increase in interlayer distance (from 3.344 to 3.349 A).

Keywords: graphite, Kureika coalfield, chemical activation

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