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A. V. Khomenko, D. S. Troshchenko, L. S. Metlov, P. E. Trofimenko
«Features of the Phase Kinetics of Metals’ Fragmentation at the Severe Plastic Deformation»
203–220 (2017)

PACS numbers: 05.65.+b, 05.70.Ln, 61.72.Cc, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.Mm, 62.20.F-, 64.30.Ef

The process of metals’ fragmentation during severe plastic deformation (SPD) is described within the scope of the nonequilibrium evolutional thermodynamics. It is investigated using two-defect’ approach, which takes into account the densities of both grain boundaries and dislocations. The phase portraits, which represent the kinetics of nonequilibrium variables in the process of formation of stationary submicrocrystalline or nanocrystalline structures, are constructed. The influence of relaxation times on phase dynamics of system nonequilibrium variables is studied. As shown, with approaching the direct or inverse adiabatic approximation, the system demonstrates universal kinetic behaviour. The formation of singular sections called as ‘mainstreams’ is revealed. As found out, the process of metals’ fragmentation or alloys’ one during SPD is carried out in two stages, which represent the fast relaxation to singular sections and the slow movement over them.

Key words: grain boundary, dislocation, phase transition, limiting structure, internal energy.



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