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S. B. Sydorenko, O. M. Bevza, and Ya. S. Sydorenko
«Investigation of Factors of Influence on Fabrication of the Developed Surface of an Al–O Condensate»
133–139 (2017)

PACS numbers: 61.43.Gt, 68.35.Ct, 68.37.Hk, 68.47.Gh, 68.55.J-, 81.05.Rm, 81.15.-z, 82.45.Yz

During thermionic reaction evaporation of aluminium in the oxygen environment by thermocathode electron gun, the spongy surface structures are prepared. The thickness of the Al–O coating is equal to 3–16 µm. The coatings are studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray emission analysis with electron excitation and by measuring the specific capacity of samples in the electrolyte. The specific capacity of a surface, compared to a smooth aluminium foil, is increased by at least 2–10 times, and in some cases by 250 times.

Key words: rough and porous coatings, deposition of aluminium in oxygen environment, thermionic deposition, specific capacity, Al–O condensate.



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