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А. К. Федотов, Ю. А. Федотова*, Ю. В. Касюк*, А. В. Мазаник, М. А. Андреев**, А. Н. Суворов**, А. П. Ива-нов**, M. Marszalek***
«Электропроводность плёночного композита NiCoCr–MoS2.»
457–465 (2011)
PACS numbers: 61.05.cp, 61.46.Hk, 72.25.Mk, 72.60.+g, 72.80.Tm, 73.40.-c, 81.07.Bc
Temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity in film composite of (Ni46.7Cr25Co20Al6Ta2Y0.3)70(MoS2)30 are analysed, and presence of both metallic and activated spin-dependent transport of electrons in samples is revealed. Such a situation is unusual for composites with high concentration of metallic particles (on the metallic side of metal–insulator transition). This effect can be caused by the coexistence of both current conduction through metallic particles and tun-nelling of electrons across the grain boundaries.