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О. Л. Павленко, М. П. Куліш, О. П. Дмитренко, М. Є. Корнієнко, А. І. Момот, В. А. Брусенцов, Ю. Є. Грабовський, Е. М. Шпілевський*, В. В. Стрельчук**, О. Д. Рудь***, В. М. Ткач****
«Хемічна взаємодія та полімеризація у плівках С60–Sn.»
291–306 (2011)
PACS numbers: 61.48.-c, 68.37.Hk, 68.55.ap, 78.30.Na, 78.66.Tr, 81.05.ub, 82.35.-x
Morphology, structural, vibrational and electron properties of two-layer C60–Sn film in the initial state and after anneal-ing are experimentally investigated. Interaction of tin atoms with fullerene molecules is theoretically studied. The first-principles calculations show possibility of formation of C60–Sn complexes; their energy and vibrational spectra are calcu-lated. Comparison of theoretical and experimental results shows that C60–Sn film undergoes polymerization due to forma-tion of fullerene–metal complexes.