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В. Л. Карбовский, Н. А. Курган, В. Х. Касияненко
«Морфологические особенности, пространственно-структурная организация и свойства кальцинированных образований биогенного происхождения.»
891–901 (2010)
PACS numbers: 68.37.Ps, 78.30.Jw, 79.60.Jv, 87.64.Dz, 87.64.K-, 87.80.Lg, 87.85.jf
Morphological features, spatial-structure organization, and properties of limed formations of biogenic origin are studied using atomic force microscopy, NMR, x-ray emission, photoelectron, and IR-spectroscopy. As revealed, the mechanism of limed-particles formation consists of the simultaneous formation of CaCO3 nanoparticles and nanocrystals. The formation of calcite nanoparticles with size of 7–10 nm occurs in fibres of organic matrix. Crystal-growth centres on the organic nuclei are monolithic crystal structures of 240?300 nm and consist of calcite nanocrystals. Biogenic CaCO3 has properties different from those of CaCO3 fabricated by an industrial method.