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С. В. Федорчук, Т. Б. Желтоножська, Н. М. Пермякова, Ю. П. Гомза*, М. Ю. Барабаш**, Ю. А. Куницький**
«Наноструктуровані A–b–B–b–A триблок-кополімери з гідрофільними хемічно комплементарними компонентами.»
869–889 (2010)

PACS numbers: 61.05.cf, 61.43.Hv, 64.60.al, 64.70.pj, 81.07.Nb, 82.35.Jk, 82.70.Uv

Triblock copolymers (TBC) of PAAm–b–PEO–b–PAAm forming the in-tramolecular polycomplexes (IntraPCs) with the hydrogen-bonded polymer components are fabricated by the free-radical block copolymerization of polyacrylamide with poly(ethylene glycols) of different molecular weight (МPEO). Microphase separation in amorphous regions of TBC structure at high values of МPEO is revealed. As shown, the main cause of the effects observed is the complex formation of PEO and PAA blocks by hydrogen bonds. The morphology of their block structure is investigated using WAXS and SAXS methods. There are a complete failure of the crystal structure of PEO in TBCs at MvPEO???4?104 and a sharp reduction in PEO crystallinity at MvPEO???4?104 that is caused by the complexation of PEO and PAAm blocks. The computer modelling of the data on SAXS profiles is carried out and based on the Beaucage approach.

©2003—2021 NANOSISTEMI, NANOMATERIALI, NANOTEHNOLOGII G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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