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С. С. Фоманюк, Г. Я. Колбасов, Ю. С. Краснов
«Наноструктура и хемихромные свойства гидратиро-ванных плёнок WO3/Pd.»
197–206 (2011)

PACS numbers: 07.07.Df, 78.67.Pt, 81.16.Rf, 81.70.Fy, 82.45.Yz, 82.47.Rs, 82.80.-d

The nanocrystalline films and powders of tungstic acids WO3?nH2O with n???1 and 2 are obtained from sodium tungstate aqueous solution. The nanoscale structure, electrochemical, optical, and chemichromic properties of these films are stud-ied. A design of optical hydrogen sensor is developed, and its laboratory specimen is made on the base of these films with high hydrogen sensitivity in the range of low hydrogen concen-tration in the hydrogen–air mixture (down to under 0.01 vol.% [H2]).

©2003—2021 NANOSISTEMI, NANOMATERIALI, NANOTEHNOLOGII G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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