From tunneling to photoemission: correlating two spaces

A. A. Kordyuk, V. B. Zabolotnyy, D. S. Inosov, S. V. Borisenko

J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 159, 91-93 (2007). doi pdf arXiv

Correlating the data measured by tunneling and photoemission spectroscopies is a long-standing problem in condensed matter physics. The quasiparticle interference, recently discovered in high-Tc cuprates, reveals a possibility to solve this problem. Application of modern phase retrieval algorithms to Fourier transformed tunneling data allows to recover the distribution of the quasiparticle spectral weight in the reciprocal space of solids measured directly by photoemission. This opens a direct way to unify these two powerful techniques and may help to solve a number of problems related with space/time inhomogeneities predicted in strongly correlated electron systems.


Movie 1. Visualization of an "input-output" phase retrieval algorithm (PRA) which recovers A(k) distribution from its Fourier amplitude |FA| (the object). The algorithm starts from a noisy Gaussian distribution as a guess function (first frame); the number of iteration is shown in the right upper corner.

Movie 2. Stability of the PRA to experimental uncertainty: the noise is simulated by a random value from a Gaussian distribution such that the standard deviation of an infinite number of such values would be half of the average value of the object.

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